CV (in English language)

CV (in English language)

Personal Information


  • Nationality: German
  • Date and place of birth: 30 July 1968 in Bremen, Germany.
  • Marital status: married, 3 children



Academic and Professional Career


  • since July 2019: Coordinator of the East Asia Centre at the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, Germany
  • since September 2004: Professor of Economics, especially Economic Policy at University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, Germany (W2)
  • 2001 – 2004: Chief of the Dean’s Office at the Faculty of Law, Economics, and the Social Sciences, University of Erfurt, Germany
  • 1999 – 2001: Teaching Assistant, Chair of Economic Policy, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, University of Tartu, Estonia (Prof. J. Sepp)


University & Professional Education


  • 2019: 2nd PhD: Dr. nauk hum. [in the field of history] (summa cum laude) at the Faculty of History at the Pedagogical University in Kraków, Poland (honoured with the “Karin Biermann Prize for Silesian Studies”, 2020)
  • 1996 – 1999: 1st PhD: Dr. sc. pol. [in the field of economics] (cum laude) at the Faculty for Economics and Social Sciences at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel, Germany (Scholarship of Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation)
  • 1990 – 1996Diploma: Studies of Economics at Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel, Germany (Scholarship of Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, since 1992)
  • 1988 – 1990: Industrial training: Bank clerk at Deutsche Bank AG, Bremen



Teaching Experience (Selection)


since 2004: Professor of Economics, especially Economic Policy, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau


  • Introduction into Economics [Microeconomics, Macroeconomics & Economic Policy] (BA, lecture, since ST 2004)
  • Institutional Economics [“Ordnungspolitik”]  (BA, seminar, since WT 2005/2006)
  • Economic and Social History (BA, seminar, since ST 2012)
  • Economic Systems 2: Emerging and Developing Economies in Comparative Perspective – Focus: Africa (BA, seminar, since WT 2010/11)
  • Economic Systems 2: Emerging and Developing Economies in Comparative Perspective – Focus: East Asia (BA, Seminar, since ST 2010)
  • World Trade 2: International Organizations (BA, lecture and seminar, since WT 2010/11)
  • Globalization – China and Europe in Comparative Perspective (MA, since ST 2014)



Guest Lecturer / Guest Professor


  • 2024: Guest Professor at Dong-A University, Busan / South Korea  (lectures on European Economic Systems and International Trade, bachelor and master level, DAAD Short-Term Lectureship, February – June 2024)
  • 2023: Guest Lecturer at Bauhaus University Weimar, Weimar / Germany  (lectures on Geopolitics, Bauhaus Summer School 2023, August 2023)
  • 2020: Guest Professor at Dong-A University, Busan / South Korea  (lectures on European Economic Systems and International Trade, master and doctoral level, DAAD Short-Term Lectureship, February – June 2020)
  • 2019: Guest Lecturer at Oil and Gas University Ashgabath / Turkmenistan  (Bloc Seminar on International Trade, Trade Blocs and International Trade Organizations, master level, October 2019)
  • 2010: Guest Lecturer at Chinese-German University of Applied Sciences at Tongji-University, Shanghai / China  (Bloc Seminar on Scientific Methods, March / April 2010)
  • 2006: Guest Lecturer in the DPRK-Capacity Building Project „International Trade: Theory and Practice” in Pyongyang / North Korea  (Lectures on International Trade, July 2006)


Studies / Research reports (selection)


  • Förderung der Stabilität und Friedenssicherung in Nordostasien (Projektziel 1 des Regionalantrages der Hanns Seidel Stiftung Nordostasien 2023-2025): Inhalte und Methoden [Promoting stability and peacekeeping in Northeast Asia (project objective 1 of the Hanns Seidel Foundation Northeast Asia Regional Application 2023-2025): Contents and Methods] (internal study for the Hanns Seidel Foundation, in German, Munich 2023).
  • Zwickau Ticker 2022: Bürger*innenbefragung der Stadt Zwickau 2022 Auswertung [Zwickau Ticker 2022: Citizens' Survey of the City of Zwickau 2022 – Evaluation] (Survey of the City of Zwickau, project report, in German, Zwickau 2023).
  • Evaluation der Wirksamkeit des Projektes der Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung in Korea [Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Hanns Seidel Foundation Project in Korea], (Project evaluation, results report, in German, Erfurt 2016).
  • Wirtschaftspolitische Positionen der IHK Chemnitz 2014 [Economic Policy Positions of the Chemnitz Chamber of Industry and Commerce 2014], (Project report, in German, Chemnitz 2014).
  • Wirtschaftspolitische Positionen der IHK Chemnitz 2012 [Economic Policy Positions of the Chemnitz Chamber of Industry and Commerce 2012], (Project report, in German, Chemnitz 2012).



Hosted Academic Conferences and Workshops



  • “The South Caucasus and Neighbouring Regions in Times of War in Ukraine: Chances and Risks for Trans-Caspian Transport Routes between China and Europe” (Joint Conference of IBSU International Black Sea University, Tbilisi, Georgia & University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, Germany, October 18 - 20, 2023 – Tbilisi, Georgia)
  • "Armenia and the Belt and Road Initiative: Challenges and Problems" (international conference hosted by East Asia Centre of the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau & Armenian State University of Economics, funded by Volkswagen Foundation, Yerevan, Armenia, 2 – 7 May 2022.)
  • “Korea, the Iron Silk Road and the Belt and Road Initiative - soft power and hard power approaches” (international conference financed by the Academy of Korean Studies, East Asia Centre of University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, 19/21 April 2021)
  • “The Role of Higher Education in Different Economic Systems” (international conference: 8th Dialogue on Social Market Economy, University of Tartu, Estonia, January 30/31 2019)
  • “Globalization failed? New Approaches to a Free International Order (international conference: 7th Dialogue on Social Market Economy, Seoul National University, Seoul / South Korea, November 14/16 2018)
  • “Labour Market Development and Regulations in Comparative Perspective“  (international Conference: 6th Dialogue on Social Market Economy, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, 28/30 October 2015)
  • “China’s Emerging Role in Asia in International and Interdisciplinary Perspective” (Joint Conference of University of Applied Sciences Zwickau and Tianjin Foreign Studies University / China), Zwickau, 26/27 June 2014)
  • East Asia and Eastern Europe in a Globalized Perspective: lessons from Korea and Estonia  (International Conference: 5th Dialogue on Social Market Economy, University of Tartu, Estonia, 24/27 April 2013)
  • “Innovation Systems and the Development of Welfare in the World“  (International Conference: 4th Dialogue on Social Market Economy), University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, 6/8 June 2011)
  • “7. Sächsischer Mittel- und Osteuropatag” [7th Saxon Central and East European Day]  (International Conference, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, 27 October 2010)
  • “Social Market Economy as Model in International Crises: Economic and Technological Change Between 1989 and 2009” (International Conference: 3rd Dialogue on Social Market Economy), University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, 25/27 November 2009)
  • “Chances and Risks for the Social Market Economy in the International Competition of Economic Systems (International Conference: 2nd Dialogue on Social Market Economy) University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, Saxony, 20/21 November 2008)
  • “Korea Workshop”  (Indoor Workshop, University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, Saxony, 19 November 2008)
  • “The Conception of Social Market Economy and its Application: Germany in International Comparison” (International Conference: 1st Dialogue on Social Market Economy), University of Applied Sciences Zwickau, Saxony, 29/30 November 2007)
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